The Groundbreaking Ceremony of the factory was felicitated by the Honorable Chief Minister of Jharkhand Shri Raghubar Das in Hotwar, Ranchi on 18th May, 2017. The project is likely to benefit 17 villages of Chepakalan, Dadikalan and Sinduvari panchayats of Barkagaon block. The project aims to give employment to 1000 people, especially the women of the village. This novel venture, in association with TSMPL will develop skill in garment and footwear among the women folks, making them employable in Thriveni Apparels and Textiles Private Limited.
Caution Notice
Beware of Fraudulent Job Offers in the name Thriveni Sainik Mining Pvt Ltd.
It has come to our notice that fake job offers in the name of Thriveni Sainik Mining Private Ltd. (TSMPL) are being issued by unauthorised persons / fraudsters with an intent to extract money from the job seekers.
We, at TSMPL, have not hired any agency including by name "Career Secure Services" for recruitment of any employee for our company. We are not responsible or accountable if anybody is getting any sort of recruitment services from them in our name.
We urge all the job seekers to exercise caution and be aware of these unscrupulous agencies who misuse the name of our company and its logo / brand without our knowledge or authorization. If anyone comes across any such recruitment offer for money, kindly inform us on the following contact details:
HR Dept. Mobile No.: +91 90318 10531.
HR Dept, Email ID. :
We wish to emphasis and bring to the notice of all concerned that we at Thriveni Sainik Mining Private Limited(TSMPL), Pakri Barwadih Coal Mines C/o. NTPC Ltd.,, Barkagaon, Hazaribagh, have deployed a merit-based Employee Selection Process. We do not charge or accept any amount /fee / security deposit from the job seekers during the selection process or while inviting candidates for an interview.
Thanks for your attention.
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